English 1

Assignment- Essay Question

Introduction: This assignments should be provide practice in basic 5-paragraph essay writing, provide instructions in basic referencing skills and basic analytic skills for contemporary essays and reading texts.

Pre- writing

Pre writting from 宇韵 漠

Assignments- Essay Question (Contrast about two traditional house)

My Reflection

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Learn to think critically and creatively

I need to include the reference link as correct way. So, I need to apply correct APA style referencing techniques. Next, I need also analyse contemporary essays and reading texts critically. Nevertheless, I have learn thesis statement, specific sentence and general sentence was important in the essay writing. We need to include those thing inside the essay writing.

Then, I had learn that about how to wrote and express my ideas in the correct way and write it on any type of paper to make a record or information that I had collected. The important part was I had learn how to focal point the exposure of 'organize your thoughts' or 'provide more support and examples'. Grammer mistake and language was the important that I have to learn in essay writing.


Oral Presentation

Tittle: Leonardo Da Vinci

Introduction: Through this assignment, we need to do research and deliver an oral presentation describing the life, contributions, influence and work of any one of the following people we have chooses. The rule of this assignment is each group will be required to produce a video for a duration of 20-25 minutes of a particular individual of our choice.

My reflection:

Communication Skills

Communicate  appropriately in various setting and modes

When you present in front the video camera, you should be careful your eye contact, body language and poise. The eye contact is the hard thing you need to present in front the video camera. Then, we need to organize the content as well as lecture can understand what you want to provide. We need also analyse and listen to conversations in various interactive, social, professional and academic situation.

Lifelong Learning

Related learn knowledge to everyday life

Therefore, I knew that the difference between preparation and practice that when present. Self-confident, body language, speaking skills need to be include to performance well in oral presentation. The focus point is arrange my documenting in difference stages and learn how to solve the problem. 

Then, the aim of this project was making us to become more valid oral presenters. At the end of my Sem 1, I have to say thanks to my English lectures given us some suggestion and correct ways to guide both of us.

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